A long time and couldn't blog as there's been a shift in blogging modes. Well, here is a link to unaware bloggers who need to know the copyright rules while blogging and yeah, even if you are using the images or contents of websites you are doing business or stopped doing the same. Even if you are blogging, images and contents can be used under the Creative commons licence. For more on blogging and copyright, follow the links here:
US Copyright Office - http://www.copyright.gov/
10 Things Website owners must know about copyright
Wiki - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright
Legal services - http://www.legalserviceindia.com/cyber/cyber.htm
Nasscom - http://www.nasscom.in/ and http://www.nasscom.in/nasscom/templates/MainSearch.aspx?q=copyright+issues&src=11234
- ilaxi, Swagat
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